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Q: Why would my utility company request my credit report?!? I just checked my credit report online, and I see that Con Edison (my electric company) checked my credit report last year. I did file for bankruptcy two years ago (for credit cards), but I've been paying consistently to Con Edison for 8 years. check credit history A: Around here utility companies generally check credit before they give you an account then based on it decide how much of free credit online Zanesville a deposit they want from you. Q: Does it look bad when I request my own credit report? A woman reviewing my credit at a credit union today said that it generally looks bad if my report free credit online Zanesville has been accessed 6 times in one year by credit card companies or lenders. When I access it that a strike against me too? Q: Does it free credit online Zanesville affect your credit score if you request a credit report just for your information? I have heard from some one that it affects on owns credit score if request credit report just for my information. and if affects really than what can be done to view owns credit report without affecting credit score A: Not in the least, you can check your own credit report as free credit online Zanesville often as you like. Although the free service ( is good for only 1 time a year, if you want to pay the money, you can get your report whenever you want to directly from FICO. You can read more about this at the following FICO web site Hope this helps answer your question. Q: If i request my credit report from the credit companies? If i request my credit report from the credit companies will it lower my credit score? completely free credit report A: No, free credit online Zanesville this is what's called a soft free credit online Zanesville pull and does not count against you. Recently, every job application I've filled out has required me okay a credit report. Why do prospective employers--most of whom aren't retail and do not require me handling company money in anyway--need to know whether or not I've paid my credit free credit online Zanesville card bills? A: Your credit report shows a lot about who you are as an individual.

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